Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby Max is here!

I'm so happy I got to hold Baby Max the day he was born:) Maxwell Daniel Phister... It is so fun to have another nephew! And what a chunk! 8lbs 5oz, 22in on March 16. Congratulations to Daniel and Annica!

They just took the tape off his face so it looks like he has a heart-shaped birth mark. Would have been so cute!:)

Daniel is a cute daddy:)

A Windy Day at the Park

They are getting so excited for summer so they can go play outside more! (Its crazy, but Mommy is getting excited too!)

Inara came and played with us.

Grandma and Grandpa Goodman came to visit a couple weeks ago. It was so much fun and the kids LOVED every minute. Gma got to stay and play a few days longer. Quoia sure loved having Gpa here especially. The kids and Gma were playing in the toy room after he had gone home and Lincoln heard a door shut outside and said, "Ah, Grandpa's here!" Quoi booked it to the back door yelling, "Grandpa, Grandpa!" She was quite sad when she found out it wasn't him.

We played lots of games with Grandma, did puzzles, went on walks, and went shopping! So much fun! The kids loved having her around and Mommy loved having someone to talk to. Dan and Annica ended up having Max a little earlier than planned so we took Gma with us to Utah. She stayed in Lehi with Annie, I got to hold cute baby twice in Ogden, then went back to Annie's and played played played there. It was a fun random trip! Just wish we could have seen Grandma and Grandpa Phister while he were there, but they were on a cruise with Ty and Kiki:(

Annie has a huge "dirt mountain" just perfect for the kids to play on by their house. Of course I was the first one to go back inside, but the kids had a blast!! Quoi loved just dumping dirt on her and Linc loved climbing the "mountain" then sliding down. After the kids went to bed (super fast!) we had a mini girl's night of Canasta and a movie. So fun to hang out and chat:)

Grandma helped the kids make a big hole

Then Linc climbed in:)

All the kids. Minus napping Tragon.

Grandma and Quoia

Lincoln climbing, climbing, climbing....

Logan climbing...

right over top! Too slow Linc:)

He finally made it!

He loved it!

Our beautiful dirty girl:)

I painted the kitchen! This was a little project I decided to do out of the blue one day to surprise Mike when he got home from a job. He loves it; I love it! It was so fun! (It was an ugly green before)

Just some random pics on our walk with Grandma...

My darling Mike. He is such a hard worker. He came home for 5 hours one time, then luckily got to see his parents at least while they were here when he came home late and then left after lunch the next day. But I was still happy to see him. He came home one more time after that last week. He took off a whole day this past Friday and we all went to Ogden together and we got to go to the temple. It was a wonderful day. (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Phister for watching kids!) He left again for another job the next morning. He's a hard worker, isn't home much, hardly sleeps, but doesn't complain about it. He is a wonderful Daddy, the kids absolutely adore him. Time means nothing to them right now. (I sure love ya darling:)

I got to go with my girls to the YW General Broadcast a couple days ago. It was such a great day. I am so blessed to have a wonderful friend to watch the kids when I need her (all time time pretty much) and she took them from 10am till almost midnight so I could go. We all went to eat at Olive Garden, shopped at Gateway for a couple of hours, then went to the broadcast. That was special for me. I have never gone to a YW one before, so it was a cool experience. It is a peaceful and beautiful feeling being in the presence of our prophet. I was humbled and full of gratitude for the opportunity to be there, especially with my girls:) I hope I can continue to do what I know to be right and true so I can always have this feeling with me...

Phone Pics

I had a BUNCH of pictures on my phone and needed to get rid of them, so here they are:) Of course almost all are the kids! And the pics aren't too good, oh well!

Lincoln was such a great teacher to Sequoia on how to paint with water colors. He is such a good kid.

So cute in their clothes from Gma Phister (I love Quoi's chunky cheeks!!)

Sissy's MUSCLES!!

They found the box of chocolates!!

TyTy taking pictures of himself. Now I get to post it to the public:)

So calm:)

Our pretty girl

Love this! Grandma Goodman with Linc, Quoia, and Harlee

Feeding her baby:)

Some Christmas pictures, gifts from Grandma Phister and Tenille...

So precious:)
