Congratulations Dan and Annica!! They are getting married May 23rd. I'm so excited to get a darling new sister!!!:)
(And that wasn't even how to spell her name! I'm going to be an awesome sister-in-law! Sorry!;-)
Our poor little man got sick again. Geesh, he's been getting sick a lot. We put him to bed Thursday night after he was acting so tired and quiet. About an hour later he woke and just started screaming. Mike went in and rocked him back to sleep, then he woke up again screaming a while later. We checked his temp and it was 101. To make it short, I ended up waking up with him 4 times througout the night. Fri all day he was so tired and just laid around the house with his blankie. By the time we were ready to put him to bed, his temp was 103.1. I was going to take him in the next morning, but all the sudden he woke up wonderful, no fever, just as happy as can be. What a relief.
(And that wasn't even how to spell her name! I'm going to be an awesome sister-in-law! Sorry!;-)
Our poor little man got sick again. Geesh, he's been getting sick a lot. We put him to bed Thursday night after he was acting so tired and quiet. About an hour later he woke and just started screaming. Mike went in and rocked him back to sleep, then he woke up again screaming a while later. We checked his temp and it was 101. To make it short, I ended up waking up with him 4 times througout the night. Fri all day he was so tired and just laid around the house with his blankie. By the time we were ready to put him to bed, his temp was 103.1. I was going to take him in the next morning, but all the sudden he woke up wonderful, no fever, just as happy as can be. What a relief.
So, Mikey got home that Thursday night. He actually flew into Seattle the night before and stayed at Ty and Rachel's house, and then flew into SL. I'm so glad it worked out that way and they got to hang out. Me and Mikey took turns watching Linc Friday. I had to call in to work, but Mike came home early and let me go in and finish the rest of my shift. I was so grateful. We just hung out this weekend and watched some movies and just lounged around, it was nice. He left early this morning on a job to the southern end of Colorado. I'm hoping he'll be home by Thurs so we can go to UT this weekend! We'll see...
Wednesday me and Linc got to play with Jaylee. Me and her mom work together and are also in the same ward at church. It was fun to have her around for the day. We got to go to the library and go out to lunch with Toni, Grant and a friend of hers.
I was about to leave for a big day of shopping at Walmart Sat and Mike decided to take some pics of me. 22 weeks, man oh man!! I looked like this a few weeks before I popped Linc out! This little girl is huge! Every few days I can tell a big difference. Although I'd rather be big and fat than sick, so its alright. I'm just super tired a lot. But all in all, I really enjoy being pregnant:)
Sorry, I took the video the long way and don't know if you can rotate it. Oh well! I wanted his grandparents in St G to be able to see how good of a walker he's getting. He's just so proud of himself, as he should be:)
(I love you sweet Mikey!!!)
Poor Linc he didn't look like he felt well at all. I also love the belly pictures. Nothing cuter then a pregnant women :)
Haha.... you spelled my name wrong!!
Sorry about your little man being sick. It's no fun. Oh by the way your belly is so stinkin cute!
Raquel the video is so great!! guess what...YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT!! I found out that hard way in Hawaii at Kurt and Jesse's wedding. Mark thought I was such an idiot....then Joni just did it a few months you did it! Yippee..I'm not the only one. Thank you!
He is a super duper walker. i miss him so much I can't wait to give him squeezes. you look so cut with your tummy. hope all will work out so you can come down. Love you
Granma Gee
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