As usual its been some busy weeks so slow to update. Lincoln was sick a couple weeks ago. I had worked a grave shift and came home to Mikey looking super tired telling me he'd been up all night with Linc puking. He had done probably 3 loads of laundry, maybe more, throughout the night. Awesome. So Mike let me sleep for a bit then went in to work after noon. He was sick for 5 days laying on the couch sleeping or watching his shows. When he stood up, he'd just go right back to the floor. But when is it news when Linc pukes? Luckily for us (not for her!) Kim came out to stay with us for the weekend. She was coming out for a date with a guy I know, and ended up helping us. She was a lifesaver, thanks Kimi!!
Quoi was just starting to feel better from teething (which have still not come out, ah!!) so it was nice to have a sweet little girl while Linc was awake for about 2 hrs of each day. So really I can't complain too much about it. It was such a relaxing (besides all the scrubbing of the carpet and laundry) time for us with him not feeling good. By the 6th day he didn't take a nap at all (only 2nd time ever for him) so he definitely didn't have the Mono that is going around. After having to call in 3 times, I was kind of excited to go back to work.
About the work issue, I have been working quite a bit lately. I'm the only one available to be the "fill-in" person so its been kind of crazy. And everytime I end up working more I'm super grouchy with everyone around and stressed so I'm hoping it will end soon. I'm hoping I can just move to one day a week, if not I'll just be a Mommy full-time. We'll see. I'm still loving both worlds right now:)
So I'm not into your traditional food storage of grinding the wheat and storing a whole bunch of yuck food I'm not even going to eat. I'm not even sure if I were starving I'd eat just anything. So we decided to use our tax $ on food storage. Its called Daily Living. Mike's parents bought some and told us about it. Its just a bunch of yummy food of different varieties. It feeds a family of 5 for 6 months and lasts up to 25 years. Its such a relief to have it and its so much easier to store; I love it! Now we just need water...
But she is also so sweet. She's pretty content on doing her thing and just plays. She's super quiet most of the time and is pretty happy as long as she's on the floor. I don't hold her much because she'll just jump out of my arms. She is learning so fast too. When I say "Hi" she waves at me (Linc didn't learn that till about 15 months!) She drops something and says "Uh oh!" every time. She loves books, anything up high, and can walk along with stuff. My children are so different, I love it!
Lincoln just had his second session with the Speech Therapist today. Everything that they tested him at while at the CDC was great except speech. She's coming to the house every 2 weeks now to observe him and teach us some things we can do with him. When they came the first time they said he is right now in between a 12 to 18 month old for speech. We'll keep working at it. I was so happy! Last week he said, "Mom-ee" for the first time!!! Wahoo! Yep he's almost 26 months. It was so fun! Mike and I counted 28 words we could think of that he says. He is teaching us lots of signs from his Baby Einstein and its actually helped him say the word better if he signs along with it. He such a cute kid, man!
Lincoln is also totally a Daddy's boy! When Mike comes home he just freaks out and is so happy to see him. He wants to hang out with him and show him everything. And when Mike puts him to bed he wants him to sleep with him all the time. I love how cute they are together. Its been so nice that Mike has been home more often and can play with him. Mike is on a job right now. First one in a couple weeks and he shouldn't even be gone too long. Maybe just a couple days. Its been wonderful! We still don't see him all the time, but I'll live:) He plays volleyball 2 nights a week, soccer at the rec center just ended, but he is helping coach the high school soccer team keepers again this year. So when he's in town he's going to be helping out there as well. As long as Mikey's happy I'm happy! And of course that involves soccer:)
Oh yeah, and just a bit of info. I was finally ready. I cut Linc's binky last night. He was so put out. His voice was so emotional last night looking at it saying, "Uh oh! Uh oh!" It was sweet. He cried for maybe just 20 seconds when I left the room and was fine. What's awesome is the next morning when he got up, he had a different binky in his mouth. He had one stashed in his bed. Little stinker! So I hid that one and only gave him the cut one. He wont even put it in his mouth. He went to bed only with a cup of water tonight so we'll see how it works. We are hoping his communication will be better without it. But I still hate taking something away from him that he loves so much.
I bought him a potty (along with the whole entire store!) tonight. We'll see how he does with that. I haven't decided when I want to really start doing it. We are going to let him check it out first and see what he thinks. One thing at a time.
So in this video it was the first time I've said "hello" to Lincoln and he's actually said it back to me. Cool! And I got Quoi to wave in this one too.
Quoia walkin around with her toy being a big girl.
What a deal on movies! That is awesome! Sorry your little guy is sick that is no fun. Way cute pictures! Looks like you guys have a lot of fun!
Oh my, I love Lincoln's little voice!!! He is such a cutie. Those little Goodman boys are so handsome (I'm including Donovan in that because he has some Goodman in him too!). It will be fun to watch them play as they get older, hopefully we can get them together more often! I think Sequoia is starting to look a lot like her mommy, lucky little girl! Brad likes to do indoor soccer and coach high school on top of his coaching job at the college. Those boys just can't get enough!
We have that same walker/car thing for Maddox and he is not walking behind it quite yet! She is impressive! I think they're about a month apart ... she's a quick learner. :O) They're both cuties!
LOL I love the mommy voice in the backgound how else would we get them to do it? Sounds like life is a bit stressful for you guys! Sorry!! Speach therapist work great! Kylie has had every kind of therapist since she was born :S it's okay because they help so much!! Sorry about the talking/binki issues. I am afraid I will be in the same boat? Kylie is doing better since she got her tubes in. Good Luck! It's hard being a mommy/wife/maid/cook and not to mention working mom! Your awesome and doing an awesome job! I had to show my mom your cute kiddos!!! She said ~oh they look just like Raquel~ Well I think they are just adorable and your a great Mommy!!! Sorry about the sickies :0( I swear Ky bug has been sick all winter, I can't wait for summer to be here so we can quit being hermits!!!
Oh man the transitions and things we have to do when we have kids. Good luck with the binki thing I hope it works out for you.
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