Sunday, July 14, 2019

Atlas Tyrel Goodman

Having a baby in my mid 30's was very different than in my early 20's. I was so dang tired. I got varicose veins in places I didn't even know I could get, I took naps every day (even at work), and it was the first time I've been pregnant and worked full-time. Anyways, after all the not fun stuff, I loved feeling my sweet boy inside my tummy. I fell in love with him from the beginning.

At 35 weeks the OB checked me and I was already at 3cm and 70% effaced. I was still able to go to the Goodman family reunion up in Midway. When he checked me again when we got back I was a little more progressed, so the OB got it in my head that I would be having a baby any day. Nope. At 37 week he stripped my membranes and said it should be in the next 24 hours, nothing.

So every day came and left with no baby. Saturday the 13th, Mike and I decided I wasn't having a baby any time soon so we went on a RAZR ride south of River Rd. We had a wonderful time together. I'm so happy we did (even though it was probably a bad idea!). We drove out to the center of a rain and lightning storm. It was beautiful and felt amazing from the 110 degrees at home. We chatted and listened to Podcasts and just had a peaceful time together. We ended up driving 50 miles!

We got home, I showered and got all cleaned up, and within a few hours, I started getting my first painful contraction! It was weird because it was in my left lower back. I had been anxious for this moment and was so ready for this little one to come, but as soon as I knew it was beginning, I panicked and changed my mind! I was scared.

Mike and I sat down to watch a show and start counting the contractions. After an hour, I couldn't stand the pain so we took the dog on a walk. We only went around the small block and it was too painful. It was time to go to the hospital!

We called Annie and she met us on the way and we dropped Tragon and our kids off to her and went to the hospital. As soon as I was walking into the hospital, the awful pain I was feeling in my back went away. Of course! So they got me into triage and hooked me up. We could see contractions coming every 5 minutes, but they weren't painful any more so I was sure I was about to do the walk of shame and go home. We had showed up at 9pm. By 10:30pm the nurse checked me again before sending me home per the OB. I went from 4+cm to 5.5cm. As she checked me she did her magic and made me dilate even more. Then the baby's heart rate tanked. It took a good minute of me rotating back and forth to get it back up. She said because of the heart rate, it won us a ticket to getting checked in. We were having a baby!

I went to the my room and right before I got all hooked up again, the back pain came back and I almost barfed, so I got my epidural quick, and waited. When midnight came, I was officially 38 weeks. I had to go at least 4 hours because I was Group B Strep positive. Blah. At 5am they broke my water and at 7am I started really feeling like I needed to poo! I knew he was close.

While they waited for Dr Brown to come in, the nurses had me ready to push. I pushed a few times and nothing was happening except fluid gushing out every so often. I was feeling like a failure pushing because it was doing nada! That's when the nurse realized that Atlas was coming out sideways and stuck.

My epidural had started to wear off and I was in pain! And so exhausted! The pain was coming, but the meds made me barely function. It was getting intense. At one point during the delivery, Dr Brown had both hands inside me and shifted the baby's head down. OUCH!! After a couple more times unsuccessfully pushing, the doctor had to get the vacuum and suction him out. He finally came!! It must have been why he took weeks to come, he was stuck!

The best part of it all, Mike didn't get lightheaded or faint! Woohoo! I was so impressed Mikey!

7lb 10oz
July 14, 2019 @7:41am


Stephanie Dirks said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE knowing his birth story. Shelby was also one where the doctor needed to turn her. Every time he pulled his hands out, I swear she was born. Talk about disappointment when I learned that ALL THAT PAIN was NOTHING!!! I am so glad they have tools to help when babies are stuck like that. I cannot imagine the pain had it gone on for hours and hours, let alone one minute more. It's crazy to me to read about his birthday now that he's 2-years old now. Wish we lived closer!