Time is seriously flying! Weeks go by so darn fast. Probably because I am so excited for the next time Mikey comes home from a trip, its another week! Its been a crazy one for us this week. It was Friday I think last week Mike got called out to Colorado (supposedly on days off;) and was going to have to be there about 5 days. Well the job ended up pushing for another few days and they let him come home and wait for it, which is rare. So he came home Sat and we got a lot cleaned and organized around the house. It was so nice. We got to go to church, then feed the missionaries after, and then he had to go back to the job. It was perfect timing.
Well, they finished the one job and was about to go on another when he got a call to go to Alaska on a different job. So... I hurried and packed all our bags and me and Linc headed for Ogden. My mom watched Linc over night so me and Mike could meet up in SLC the night before he had to fly out. We went out to eat, dropped off the truck and stayed in a hotel. It was so good to be able to see him before he left. It was a fun little adventure:)
He took the shuttle to the airport and let me sleep in the next morning without a child. It was heaven. Once I eventually got up, I headed back to Ogden to get the little man. This was the funnest time he's had at Grandma and Grandpa Phister's so far. I was so glad. (He's been a monster lately, another story) Me, Mom, and Linc all went shopping before we went back home. I was in desperate need of maternity jeans. I never wore them with Linc, and now I'm wondering why! I love them!
Man I can talk forever! So, Mikey hopefully will be home Wed. It will be a good time to spend with Linc. I work the grave tonight (Toni is going to keep him overnight) and don't work until next Thurs. I'm so glad because I need to spend more time with Linc. He's been so grouchy lately; I'm going crazy! He has a bunch of teeth coming in, but I don't know if that's all why. He loves to walk all over the place, and get into everything! I need to find some fun activities for him to do to keep him occupied. I just have no idea what he can do at his age. Any ideas??
There was one day I couldn't take the whining any more, so where of all places do I take him??? The library, oh well! They have some cool toys and stuff there he likes. He was pretty good until I accidentally dropped a book on his head. Oops, sorry buddy! I don't even know why I get books for him there, he refuses to read any books other than his own. He's a funny little kid! I also got a new series and I'm loving it. I loved Harry Potter and am so sad its over. So I got Fablehaven. Its a magical series for young adults. I really like it! And when I finish that I'll read the series Magyk.
Me and Toni are kind of doing a trade-off tonight. She ran in a 5k today so we are playing with Grant here, then Linc is going to go play at their house overnight, since I have to work. I love having someone over. Linc is so good and not right by me whining for attention (if I would just give it to him he wouldn't!) They play pretty good together for two "only child" boys.
Oh yeah, and during his grouchy days, to make it worse, we lost his binky for a few days! Whoever knows Lincoln, you know he has to have THAT binky. It was not a fun time. Luckily Linc found it stuffed in the couch the day we went to Grandmas.
If you can just find things to keep Linc busy you will find he doesn't whine as much. And where he has you and only you a lot of the time both of you just get tired of seeing only eachother I know how that goes when Ben is out of town. I have done things with the girls like finger painting, playdough, and I get the color wonder paints and markers which are great because they only show up on the special paper and not all over their skin and my stuff. Good luck hopefully his whinyness will be over soon.
Donovan loved when I started letting him draw at that age. He just scribbles of course, but it's still one of his favorite things to do. I take him to the library to play a lot too, you should see if they have a toddler story time, those are a lot of fun. We also play drums on pots and pans...it's incredibly loud and annoying but he loves it. We also love Disney movies!! At that age all he wanted to do was run around so I would take him to the mall or somewhere open if it was warm outside. He still loves to run around at the mall (we have a tiny lame mall).
Oh man Quel I feel bad for you. I wish we were closer I would take him & let him play with the big boys. I love reading your posts about your adventures with Linc. B told me that Mikey was in Alaska. That's crazy! If it wasn't so dang cold where you live you could just let him run around outside. That always worked for me. Linc's age is a hard age. I feel for you:)
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