Wow! I've been doing stuff on this stupid blog for over 3 hours! I'm going to shoot it! I totally just deleted all my contact people! I hate this thing! Its definitely bed time! But I'm not tired and REALLY want to see my Mikey! I came home from Ft Bridger on Saturday and Mike had already been here for 3 hours! I didn't have service and had no idea! It was so good to see him! He helped out so much with getting the kids fed, bathed, and off to bed. It was the best night ever he could have been home, it was a rough day. I'm not a camper or an outdoor person for long periods of time by any means with my children! Not fun. So to have Mike home was a miracle!! He had to leave again at like 3am Sunday morning, bummer for him! He is just finishing (I hope!) a job and will come home and sleep a few hours and head back to Colorado. He's my hard worker! We miss him so much here, but are so grateful for all he does that's for sure! I couldn't imagine being a single mom!!
So I forgot to mention in my last post, I had to take Lincoln to the ER the Thursday before last. Mommy was an idiot and left the tylenol out I'd been giving Sequoia and he came along and thought it was a delicious treat. Geesh!! In my defense the girl wouldn't stop crying (really?) and I got distracted. Anyways, so I walk back in the room and there Lincoln is, drinking the little bottle! He had spilled some on the floor as well, so I wasn't for sure how much he'd taken, so I called my friends at the hospital in the ER. She said I was going to have to go in to get his blood drawn to check his levels. Bummer! I should have just gone with my first instinct and made him throw up! He was ok, not enough to have to drink charcoal, but enough for a nice nap. If we had to be there, nice that it was tylenol for a sleepy boy:) But man what an expensive mistake!!
Oh and by the way, very proud mama here! Lincoln didn't even move or flinch for his blood draw! He just stared at her the whole time! The second time they missed and had to fish the needle around and he did start screaming for that one. (Break my heart!) So because they missed it, there was one more draw, but the third time, just sat there and stared at it again. Just like his mama!!!
We went to Ft Bridger to the anual rendezvous. It was fun to be there, but I was so happy to leave. I used to go with my family every year since I was young. Me and the kids dressed up. Lots of old memories and lots of new pics...
Lincoln is started to throw the wonderful tantrums. Gotta love that! And the past 3 days now his new thing is to steal Sequoia's binkies. Little punk! He is getting those bummer canine teeth and they don't look like they feel good. He is learning a lot and that has been super fun to watch. I'm so excited for Mike to get home to see everything he learns every day. By the way, even after Mike was gone 3 weeks, he still loves his Daddy! He went right over to him as if he hadn't even been gone, that was sweet.
Sequoia is getting so chunky, I love it! And she is looking more like her Daddy every day. She is either screaming, or just as happy as can be, usually happiest on the floor. If she is chilling on the floor and you come pick her up, scream. Its kind of funny! I'd talk more about her, but she's a baby. She sleeps, poops, eats, screams, coos and smiles. That's about it. But man it sure is fun to have her around.
Life has been super crazy and tiring without Mike around. I can't complain too much though. I'm the one at home with the kids, Mike is the one alone in the middle of nowhere. But it still sucks/stinks! I'm seriously losing my mind. Hello, I drugged my child! I'm ready for normal life again. I've been hanging out with Toni and Shilayna a bunch, which that has been fun. We've ran errand after errand, not fun. Anyways, I'm rambling now! Its 1:50am, probably should sleep. I just can't wait to be alone with Mikey for 5 days just us!! Wahoo!!!
Haha, I think you got more pictures than any of us who actually camped at Ft Bridger! I brought my camera, but I didn't even pull it out of my tent.
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