Monday, July 27, 2009

The breast pump:)

It was awesome! So Linc and I were in the kitchen and I was getting a cup for him. He saw my breast pump things in the bottle dryer and pointed to it and wanted to hold it. So whatever I gave it to him. Seriously I looked down and yep, he'd stuck them on his chest just like his mommy does. I loved it! They definitely are observant! It was the best laugh I've had in a while. Thanks Lincoln!!

I was standing in the kitchen about to eat some delicious brownie batter and talking to my mom on the phone on Saturday, and all the sudden Mike walked in the door! He wasn't supposed to be home from Casper until tonight. It was a great surprise! I was so so excited! It was the first longer trip he's been on in quite a while, we sure did miss him! I have him for a couple more days then he is going back for the rest of the week. Its been good to have him around.

We were sad to see Grandma go. It was so good to have her around for the week. Annie came out Thursday with the boys and we all went to the splash park and just hung out at my house and played games. It was fun to have them here. They stayed the night and took Grandma with them. We should have them out more often! I just wish I would have taken some pictures.

Since Grandma has been around, Lincoln is now crazy about going on walks in the stroller. He will just sit in the stroller for a while until we take him out. Its kind nice to go out and walk around outside.

Lincoln was whining away and wanted to go outside but I didn't know what to do with Sequoia, so I wrapped her up and stuck her in the bottom tray! Just perfect for a newborn:)

Speaking of him. Man that kid is crazy! Mike came home early because he wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home from church. Sacrament meeting was great with Linc, but nursery was awful! He cried when I left him and they came got me to calm him down. So I went in there to play with him a bit. Well then my friend who had been holding Sequoia brought her to me because she was hungry, so I sneaked out to feed her. While I was in the mother's room I could still hear him screaming. Seriously it was straight 15 minutes of freaking out until I made it back in there. If I didn't have to teach the lesson in young womens I so would have just gone home, but of course I couldn't, so I had to call Mike to come pick him up. I'm so sad he doesn't like nursery without me!! I hope things get better soon. His friend Grant wasn't there this week, so hopefully it will be better when he gets back!

Our sweet little girl

I'm thinking this is my favorite dress of hers:)

They were so cute together. I didn't get a pic of it, but Linc would reach over and hold her hand while they were laying there. It was so tender.


She's getting big so fast!

And so is my silly little boy.

The Awesome Guest Bathroom...

K its a little brighter than I had planned, but I'm beginning to love it. Mike is such a sweetie for working so hard on it. I love all his random surprises.

It took us 2 years to finally get this shower floor tile fixed. They did a good job. And its so nice to have an extra shower in the house again.

Oh and by the way, today Sequoia was not such a sweet little girl. She spit up/puked so much today and screamed for quite a while throughout the day. My friend Kristi played with her at her house for a couple hours and I think that was the only time she was really calm. It was a crazy day with her. Mike was so good with her, thanks sweetie. I'm just hoping now that she will sleep super good tonight because she should be exhausted by now! But we still love her.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grandma is here to play:)

K so I finally make a decent meal (which doesn't consist of a box or frozen bag) in a long time and Mikey is out of town! But I was thinking of you sweetie, so I had to take a pic and let you know:) Chicken Enchiladas. It was actually pretty easy to put together, so I'll have to try to cook more often for you. (yes it looks disgusting, but it was delicious.)

This past Saturday we went to Ut to Mike's family reunion. It was pretty fun. I wish I would have brought my bathing suit though! It was a super hot day! It was fun to get to see everyone and chat. We brought a sick Grandma home with us. She hung out for a couple days in the bedroom upstairs until she started to feel a bit better. We are so glad she is here!

They rented a big huge blowup jumper thing. It was super fun! And a huge waterslide. Lincoln was so brave and loved going down by himself. I was really surprised and proud of the daring boy!

We did a family fear factor. It was pretty fun! But of course me and Tyler came in last place!

Daddy and Linc

They all took off to go see the doggies

I love that the 3 of them are playing together!

I had to get a pic of Lincoln and Logan together (this was the best pic I could get of them both holding still) They so could be brothers!

We are especially glad Grandma is here because Mikey left on Monday to Casper for a week. The engineer are all rotating weeks over there because there are a lot of jobs going on, so this week is Mike's turn. Its so so so nice to have Susan here to help out with everything. I've been so much calmer this week. Which I'm surprised I've been as calm as I have been because seriously the last 2 days Sequoia has hardly slept during the day! Hello, where did my newborn stage go!? I thought I at least got 2 months of beautiful sleeping time. No. She is so alert its crazy. I'm hoping this is just a few days thing with her. And she's a crier. Awesome. About every other time she eats she screams for a while after. Usually not so cool with that, but I've been ok. I went to a work meeting yesterday and missed half of it because I was out in the hall while she cried.

Grandma and Lincoln playing

Oh what do you know, she's AWAKE!

Hanging out watching a "show"

Check out those beautiful blues! I always wanted a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes, what a sweetie:)

I'm so bummed these are silly positions! I didn't take them this way and even when I fix them on the computer, they sill post this way. Bummer!!

Silly boy!

Lincoln is so funny! He is either super sweet and way fun to play with and a super good boy, or freaking out! Its pretty much when we are not at home. Anywhere in the public with people around he is a little rascal! I've gone to the store twice this week and he has been a little bum! After a while you just ignore it, whatever. Sorry to all the people to have to hear it! What happened to my sweet little boy!? He is getting so big too! Its crazy how fast they grow.

Although I can't complain too much. One of my favorite things about Lincoln is that he loves his nap/bedtime. He is super good about it. Yesterday I had him give Sequoia and Grandma a smooch just for fun (he always gives smooches before bedtime) and all the sudden he was at the bottom of the stairs holding his bunny ready to go to bed. It was so cute! So I hurried and got his milk and took him up to bed. He's a good little boy for that.

Since I have to sit down and feed her and can't do anything and I wonderfully get to wake up a few times throughout the night with her, I decided to read the Twilight series over again. I love them even more so far, which I didn't think would be the case. Kimi pointed out that you notice more details, and I have. Its been kinda fun:) And me and Bonnie are almost done with Gilmore Girls! I'm super sad! We only have 2 more left and are watching them tonight. Its the end of an era. I know I'm going to cry!

It has taken me forever to get pictures on here on the kid's room! I wanted to wait until it was all done, but I can't anymore. And its going to be a little longer to completely finish. I have to fix the curtains and get them up. But I absolutely love it! Its totally out there, but I don't care at all! Its exactly what I wanted. And I know Linc loves his room too. Mike was such a sweetie heart to work so hard getting it all painted. He did a wonderful job and I really appreciate it! By the way, he just finished with another painting project in the house. I came home from Ut last week and he had finished the hall upstairs and the bathroom. Its totally out there too, but I love it as well! Pictures to come...but trust me, its worth the wait!

Our new van, ok new to us! I love it! Its so big and has so much more room! I'm so happy we got it. It was so good to travel in. And it worked out perfect that Tenille wanted to buy her car back. Nice! And yes I know, lame-0 Buick and minivan mixed!?? Oh well! I think its awesome!

Sweet brotherly love. I think Lincoln is going to be just fine adjusting to his new baby sister:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aunt Kimi and a new van!

So since last week was SO awesome with these two (I finally broke down one night), I asked Kim to come stay with us a bit. She came Sat night and went home Mon afternoon. It was nice to have her around and play with the kids. We went to the splash park and played before she went home. Its so nice to have someone extra to help out. I wish I would have gotten some pics of Kim, I totally spaced!

He's eating a yummy snowball

Before Kim came over Sat, me, Lincoln and Sequoia went to Ut to Hannah'a baby shower. We stopped by in Ogden first to see Anna at work. I can't believe the reason we went to Ut was for the shower and we were an hour late! Oh well! It was fun to see family. And I'm so excited for Hannah!

He is now starting to reach up and grab things from things from off the table. He grabbed 5 crackers and tried eating them all at once. This boy is FULL OF ENERGY!

Tenille bought Sequoia and Koban cute little matching outfits. They are so stinkin cute together!

I love it! He started sucking on her elbow.

It was NOT fun to have Lincoln there at the shower. He is such a whiner!

I love it when you find babies in cute little poses! I had to get a pic. And I just realized I haven't taken hardly any pictures of her the past 3 weeks. I'll have to do better.

I don't know how to do girls hair! I just do it spiky pretty much all the time, but I think its still super cute. I love that she has a bunch of hair!

A rare moment he will sit still and read a book

So this week has been a little better than last week. I'm getting the hang of taking care of the both of them. And I swear it never fails, Lincoln and Sequoia are hungry at the same time or have messy diapers. I don't do well with screaming children, I guess this is just what I need to get over that, having them both screaming at the same time. Its awesome.

On Tuesday night Mike and I decided we were going to go to Vernal, Ut last minute and go buy a van. Wahoo! I love it! Its an '06 Buick Terraza. And the best news is, my sister wants to buy our car! We actually bought it from her almost 2 yrs ago, and now she wants it back. It is perfect timing!