Monday, July 27, 2009

The breast pump:)

It was awesome! So Linc and I were in the kitchen and I was getting a cup for him. He saw my breast pump things in the bottle dryer and pointed to it and wanted to hold it. So whatever I gave it to him. Seriously I looked down and yep, he'd stuck them on his chest just like his mommy does. I loved it! They definitely are observant! It was the best laugh I've had in a while. Thanks Lincoln!!

I was standing in the kitchen about to eat some delicious brownie batter and talking to my mom on the phone on Saturday, and all the sudden Mike walked in the door! He wasn't supposed to be home from Casper until tonight. It was a great surprise! I was so so excited! It was the first longer trip he's been on in quite a while, we sure did miss him! I have him for a couple more days then he is going back for the rest of the week. Its been good to have him around.

We were sad to see Grandma go. It was so good to have her around for the week. Annie came out Thursday with the boys and we all went to the splash park and just hung out at my house and played games. It was fun to have them here. They stayed the night and took Grandma with them. We should have them out more often! I just wish I would have taken some pictures.

Since Grandma has been around, Lincoln is now crazy about going on walks in the stroller. He will just sit in the stroller for a while until we take him out. Its kind nice to go out and walk around outside.

Lincoln was whining away and wanted to go outside but I didn't know what to do with Sequoia, so I wrapped her up and stuck her in the bottom tray! Just perfect for a newborn:)

Speaking of him. Man that kid is crazy! Mike came home early because he wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home from church. Sacrament meeting was great with Linc, but nursery was awful! He cried when I left him and they came got me to calm him down. So I went in there to play with him a bit. Well then my friend who had been holding Sequoia brought her to me because she was hungry, so I sneaked out to feed her. While I was in the mother's room I could still hear him screaming. Seriously it was straight 15 minutes of freaking out until I made it back in there. If I didn't have to teach the lesson in young womens I so would have just gone home, but of course I couldn't, so I had to call Mike to come pick him up. I'm so sad he doesn't like nursery without me!! I hope things get better soon. His friend Grant wasn't there this week, so hopefully it will be better when he gets back!

Our sweet little girl

I'm thinking this is my favorite dress of hers:)

They were so cute together. I didn't get a pic of it, but Linc would reach over and hold her hand while they were laying there. It was so tender.


She's getting big so fast!

And so is my silly little boy.

The Awesome Guest Bathroom...

K its a little brighter than I had planned, but I'm beginning to love it. Mike is such a sweetie for working so hard on it. I love all his random surprises.

It took us 2 years to finally get this shower floor tile fixed. They did a good job. And its so nice to have an extra shower in the house again.

Oh and by the way, today Sequoia was not such a sweet little girl. She spit up/puked so much today and screamed for quite a while throughout the day. My friend Kristi played with her at her house for a couple hours and I think that was the only time she was really calm. It was a crazy day with her. Mike was so good with her, thanks sweetie. I'm just hoping now that she will sleep super good tonight because she should be exhausted by now! But we still love her.


Nicole said...

Kids are so funny! You can always tell the ones with new siblings. It's amazing what they learn just from watching. And I agree, that dress on Sequoia is adorable!

Annica said...

I would love to come to your house just to take a tour of all the bright rooms! ;-) Your kids are adorable! I hope you know that you have a lot of power for the future with that breast pump picture.... I'm KINDA kidding... but just KINDA. Hope to see you soon!

heidijogoody said...

I am loving the picture of Lincoln with the breast pump! I am thinking I will have two little girls nursing their babies once they see mommy feed the new baby! I also think it is funny how lincoln sits in the stroller until you take him out :)

Crowther Clan said...

Sequoia is getting so big. She is so cute:) Their room looks great & so does the bathroom. I lOVE the pic of Linc with your breast pump. Kids are SO observant. Hope you guys are doing good.

Mindy Goodman said...

Cute pictures and your rooms look soo cute. I never leave a comment but am very curious to know what "personality" you were when you decorated! Ha Ha! We love you!

Cottam Family said...

Your little girl is such a cutie and she has grown so much since the last time I saw her. I really like your shower! Oh and sorry I haven't called back I'm a bad friend. But I did try that drink you sent me. I guess most things that are good for you never taste the best! I'll keep trying it and see if it will grow on me!

Kim said...

I love the breast pump picture!