Mikey is now EIC (Enigeer in Charge) at his shop. That means Mon-Fri, 8-5pm! He will still go out on some jobs, but not nearly as often as he was. And no more "days off," but thats ok! He is actually in Vernal right now just getting off a job. Things should settle down the beginning of the year. That means we might actually get to plan our life/days out a little more and do things here more often. Yea!! I am very happy:) Good job Mikey, you're going to be great! I might even start making you dinner more often.
Me and the kiddos got home at midnight Friday night from our Utah trip. I worked half a shift last Monday, went out to lunch with Mike, then picked up the kids and we headed to my parents for the night. Lincoln is doing better and better every time we go there. He's really liking it there. We left the next morning and picked up Mike's cousin Tyler and he rode with us to Cedar. Lincoln: wonderful, did not cry once; just stared at the tv. Sequoia: cried straight from Fillmore to Beaver, stopping along the way. Awesome. I don't think Tyler will have children for a very long time. I'm not sure if he is, but I was SO grateful that he came down with us. He helped me out so much. It was a long trip though.
It was good to see all the family for Thanksgiving. Though we were all sad Mike couldn't make it; he was on-call all week. We played lots of games and had kids running and playing everywhere. Even though I was a big fat grouch without my sweetie with me, it was sure fun. We had to leave Friday after lunch. I had to work Sat night so we had to get back. I was planning on staying the night at my parents again but I just really wanted to see Mikey so we stopped and visited for a bit with them and made it home. Boy oh boy! There is nothing better in this world than being at home with your family:)
Sequoia is rolling a bit more now, I finally got to see her do it last week at my parents house. She also started to giggle a little while we were gone too. Finally! I've been waiting and waiting to hear that sweet little laugh! She is so stinkin cute and so good now! I love her so much. Oh and she was so sick Saturday after we got home. I thought it was a miracle the kids weren't sick in St George, they always get something during that time. At least she waited till the day after. She threw up like 7 or 8 times like a bunch every time. She was still good, just not feeling so hot. Poor girl. Today she is getting back to her little sweet self again.
Lincoln is crying and whining a little more when he doesn't get what he wants. Its a bit frustrating, but it could be worse, which I'm sure will be very soon. He has this thing right now with rolling down off things like the couch and stairs and landing on his head. Weird, but he just laughs. He loves his Daddy and if I say Dad's name he goes to the back door to wait, what a cutie! He is a very good smoocher and was so sweet to his little sis today. He picked her up (with my help and something that he has never done) and gave her a big hug and held her on his lap. It made my day!! He still doesn't like anybody to touch him, but he will on his own terms:)
Sequoia is rolling a bit more now, I finally got to see her do it last week at my parents house. She also started to giggle a little while we were gone too. Finally! I've been waiting and waiting to hear that sweet little laugh! She is so stinkin cute and so good now! I love her so much. Oh and she was so sick Saturday after we got home. I thought it was a miracle the kids weren't sick in St George, they always get something during that time. At least she waited till the day after. She threw up like 7 or 8 times like a bunch every time. She was still good, just not feeling so hot. Poor girl. Today she is getting back to her little sweet self again.
Lincoln is crying and whining a little more when he doesn't get what he wants. Its a bit frustrating, but it could be worse, which I'm sure will be very soon. He has this thing right now with rolling down off things like the couch and stairs and landing on his head. Weird, but he just laughs. He loves his Daddy and if I say Dad's name he goes to the back door to wait, what a cutie! He is a very good smoocher and was so sweet to his little sis today. He picked her up (with my help and something that he has never done) and gave her a big hug and held her on his lap. It made my day!! He still doesn't like anybody to touch him, but he will on his own terms:)
We sure love these two little munchkins!
"Ready, Set...... GO!!" I only got a few seconds of this but they did this forever, it was so funny!