Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Induction Date

I went in for my 35 (34 and 6 days) week OB apt yesterday.  All is going well.  Dr Smothers guessed Auri is about 51/2 lbs already!  The other two were in the 6 lb range, so she just might be my biggest baby.  But my best news... We finally got to set a day to induce this little one! November 13th!  I'm due the 20th, but I really like to be induced.  It is less stressful, my mom and Tenille can plan to be here, and I'll have my own doctor deliver instead of someone I don't know.  But, if this little one is anything like Sequoia, she might come earlier.  Quoi was 13 days early and it was crazy.  So I will try to be ready and prepared just in case Aurora decides to come earlier, but I feel so good knowing we have a date set!!