Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yummy Cereal & Green Eggs

Home Sweet Home. Always nice to be back into routine and our "normal" lives of callings, school, unpacking, household chores and running errands. Love our mundain lives:) 

 I LOVE this picture! She looks so fat! :)

Oh how I just want to bite those sweet cheekies:)

Quoi has been learning about Dr Suess and read Green Eggs and Ham. They thought it was awesome to have green eggs and ham for breakfast. And they ate it, I was surprised.

 Auri's first time eating cereal.  She is getting so big and seems like she's hungry all the time. I feed her about every hour and half. Can't really get away long, but that's ok. She still sleeps like a newborn, so I'll take that!:)

 I was mopping the floor one day and they decided to help me. Thanks munchkins. It takes me longer to get things done around the house, but I'm grateful they want to help.

My silly monkey and superhero:)
Monkey Family
She can play with her cute little piggies now. 

Sissy Time:)

While the girls like to play together and be busy, Lincoln could sit and play all day if I let him. Game Nerd.
 Silly picture:)
HAHA!  I love it! Quoi decided to push a real baby around in her doll stroller.  It fit her perfect. She sat in it for a while. I think she was loving getting pushed around by her big sister:)


heidijogoody said...

Love those chubby cheeks aurora has