Thursday, June 7, 2012


The kids AFTER church:)  Love them!

We found these awesome dinosaurs at Walmart for a dollar each.  Score!  They are both so into dinosaurs right now and love to read about them. Secretly, I'm into them right now too:) 

 Of course the favorite, the "long neck"

 Bonnie playing with the kids


 Linc was playing with the camera:)  Super Blurry Bonnie

 I just love her facial expressions!  This girl is full of everything!!  
(and wearing Lincoln's clothes, always)

Chocolate Hands!

This girl would only eat chocolate if I let her!

We can't get enough of the horse:)

 Love you crazy boy!!

 It's starting out to be a nice summer.  I'm loving all the fun things we've been able to do and to not have schedule we have to stick to.  It's been wonderful to not take Lincoln to school 4 days a week (15 min one way).  And we are so excited, Sequoia has been on the waiting list at the Child Development Center for almost a year now, and just a couple weeks ago they called and she is in!  They will both be going in the AM next year!  It's a bummer its 4 days a week.  It just seems so long for a 3 year old, but they are both so excited and I love the school.  I'm going to enjoy the summer as much as possible before it starts though!

The weekend after we got home from Utah, Mike decided to take Lincoln to the Father/Son Stake Campout. Lincoln was SO excited to get to go camping with Daddy all by himself!  Dad even bought him his own Star Wars fishing pole.  They left Friday afternoon and got home Sat afternoon.  It rained a ton!  I felt so bad while they were gone, but they still got to go fishing and Lincoln had a great time, so it didn't even matter:)  

Mommy and Sequoia got to have our own little date and weekend together.  We ended up going to a birthday party Lincoln was invited to (Adam from school).  Sequoia had fun playing with the kids.  Then she and I went to the theater and saw The Lorax.  She did so good, I was surprised.  Then we went home, made pancakes, and watched Mickey Mouse on the hide-a-bed before falling asleep.  It was good for her and I to spend some alone time together, we have been butting heads lately and we really needed to just have fun.  I love that girl!

Mike left for a job a couple weeks ago, the first time he'd be going on one in a couple months!  It was an off-shore job in California.  So he left on a Friday, and drive past Las Vegas, just to get a call and say the job pushed until the next week.  Bug.  But it did turn out to be a nice weekend for him.  He turned around and went to St George and spent some time with his Dad and went to church with him.  It was even better, because my friend Bonnie from Green River came to stay that weekend here at the house, so Bonnie and I had a fun little girls and kids weekend.  (She ended up going on an unplanned date too).  We went shopping, ate out and had a good time.  Mike got home a couple hours after she left.  So it really was great timing.

The Sunday Bonnie was visiting was super crazy for me!  It was my first Sunday solo in Relief Society. Everyone else in the presidency was out of town.  I made the newsletter that week and got it ready for Sunday, took care of all the attendance rolls to everyone, conducted in Relief Society, and taught the lesson.  It felt SO good to be done and get to go home:)  I do love my calling and loved the day!

Last weekend was a blast!  Somehow the kids convinced Mike to go swimming last Saturday.  It was so much fun!  Paradise Valley has two big water slides.  Lincoln was in heaven.  I'm not even joking, we went down those babies about 20 times.  Sequoia gave in just a few before we had to cut Linc off.  We were exhausted!  (My whole body was sore the next couple days!)  They even layed down in the sun for a bit before we left. I'm just loving the kids' ages right now!  They are so fun and are so good most of the time.  I hope we can do as much as we can before Baby comes.  Thanks for going Mike!  We loved it!

I went to my 16 week apt Monday.  Baby is doing great!  I lost a pound and need to drink more fluids, but it's so hard when you are puking your guts out to keep something in you.  I'm not sick every day, just about once or twice a week.  When I am its an all day, laying on the couch day, trying to keep food in.  Weird that it is so random.  At the office, the OB refilled my prescription for Zofran, the best medication ever!  So now I should feel better if I just remember to take it BEFORE I get sick.  July 3rd will be our ultrasound apt and we will find out who this little munchkin is!!  We are so excited!  I can barely wait the time to find out.  (It's a bummer they only do one ultrasound, oh well!  Still love Wyoming:)

Oh and by the way, I'm so torn about if its a boy or girl.  I call him a him and am assuming he's a boy, but I would love a girl!  He's a he until he's a she:)  Me and Quoi are team girl; Daddy and Linc are team boy.

So far this summer, the kids and I have been doing a summer reading program with the library, and have a list of "100 Books to Read Before Kindergarten" and it's our goal to read and check off every single book.  Its been fun for us; we love books! The rec center has a Toddler Swim time so we try to go every other week or so.  It's good for the kids to be in the water, but I'm so tired in the end! (They are starting swimming lessons in July).  I organized a play day once a week at a different park with friends, and that's been fun.  And every Wed we go to the summer kids' movie.  They LOVE the movies and popcorn.  

I have a ton of projects I'm working on around the house.  I don't know why I can't just stick to one thing and finish it, but oh well!  The house is pretty much a disaster because as soon as I have a sick day, it is torn apart by the kids (at least they are behaving and having fun!) and it takes a week to clean it back up.  Mike has been in Houston this week for a training thing and comes home tomorrow.  We are so excited to see him!  But I'm not excited for him to see the house:(   Love you sweetie:) 


heidijogoody said...

I love all the cheesy grins from the kids. The picture of sequoia in the hello kiddy shirt looks just like you. Can't believe you find out so soon what you are having