Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Picture Day

We took the kids in to Target to get their pictures taken. It was super crazy, which was expected, but I'm so so so glad we did! It was Lincoln, Sequoia and Koban. They turned out super cute, I love them! Lincoln was as curious and crazy a usual, but through all the chaos, we got some really good pictures! I get them in a couple weeks and will post some. Oh man, I feel awful! I picked Lincoln up by his hands while in the studio and hurt his wrist! He cried and cried and wouldn't move his wrist to even drink his bottle. Poor baby! Its been a few hours now and he just started using it a bit so thats good. I just feel so bad!

Oh but by the way, my little screaming Sequoia, just perfect for pictures! She was so GOOD! I kept waiting for her to say "Just kidding Mommy, AHHH!" But she didn't. I'm so happy about that! Lincoln was Lincoln, and Koban slept the whole time; he peeked his little eyes for a few pics, but pretty much just had a great nap. It was a fun little adventure that we wont do for a long time to come:)

This is after we got home and his poor little wrist still hurt. He wouldn't move it at all.

I had turned the camera off right before he said "Yum, yum, yum..."

She didn't do anything cool, but I thought you'd want to see her

I think every picture has this blanket in it! But what can I say, its my favorite:)


heidijogoody said...

you never know what to expect when you take kids to get their pictures done but it sounds like it went ok! Can't wait to see the pictures